What are you offering this Art Route?
A slide show of my work for visitors to get a wider perspective of choice. Patrons will be able to choose print size, medium and possible uses. From canvas, paper, tiles, fabric & wallpaper. I have original gouache paintings as well as printed and framed pieces for sale.
What has inspired this body of work?
Our 4 month travels through South East Asia is the biggest inspiration for my new line of work, not just in the exotic, tropical themes but also new genre of clients. Asia is about going big, colourful, exotic and bold!
Feeling very much at-home in faraway lands, brought out new sides of my being to bring forward more creative expressions.
What materials are you using and how do you relate to them?
When I'm at home I use gouache paint but for the months we were travelling I had no canvases and paint and I missed being creative so I improvised and started using my travel photos to play in a digital way. I soon realised that I wasn't just getting enjoyment out of it but the potential was unlimited and possibilities endless. My original paintings are gouache on canvas which I love for its constant change when I paint, from when wet to dry it changes colour like a chameleon! It's unpredictable, just like me! From bright to opaque, my bold outer person and the world perceive, to my hidden softness very few people see!
Is there anything you are doing now that is a new emerging expression in your artistic process?
The forced change in medium through the long travelling time in an exotic environment, the spicy food, the warm weather, the vegetation, the vibration of the people, this all inspired me into a new perspective of being and where I'm heading with art, interior and fashion.
How does the B'bos environment inform your process?
B'Bos , my home, didn't necessarily contribute to my current emergence in process, on the contrary it was a healthy inspiration to travel abroad for new reflections on all levels of being. Shifting old patterns and energies gave me a new perspective on my life and art.
What long term projects are you working on?
I am fine tuning my digital process, and setting up my online shop and moving into a modern way of sharing and using my new found passion.
Address: LOKAL, Main Road, Baardskeerdersbos
Email: info@lalainya.co.za
Instagram: @lainyatplay